Our Philosophy on Volunteering & Philanthropy
At Queen West Physiotherapy & Acupuncture, we encourage volunteerism, service to others, and social involvement. Volunteering is the most fundamental act of citizenship and philanthropy in our society. It is offering time, energy and skills of one’s own free will.
It is an extension of being a good neighbour, transforming a collection of houses into a community, as people become involved in the improvement of their surroundings and choose to help others.
By caring and contributing to change, volunteers decrease suffering and disparity, while they gain skills, self-esteem, and change their lives. People work to improve the lives of their neighbours and, in return, enhance their own.
At Queen West Physiotherapy, we have volunteering opportunities that include a commitment of one full year. Alternatively, there are a select few opportunities each summer that require a greater time commitment per week but only last for the summer months.
We take volunteering seriously. Our past volunteers have had rewarding experiences. Many have gone on to become Physiotherapists or Physiotherapy Assistants.
For inquiries, please contact us.
To learn more about the organizations that we support (either corporately or personally) annually, please visit the list below which includes some of the many charities we have been associated with:
Queen West Physiotherapy & Acupuncture, we proudly support organizations that provide:
- opportunities for a better life to underserved children around the world
- top-notch healthcare to those living in the Greater Toronto Area
- cutting edge research that strives to find cures for today’s health problems or enhances the body of knowledge in the Physiotherapy Profession
- and a variety of other organizations which lend themselves to a good cause both on a community scale and a national/international scale
To learn more about the organizations that we support (either corporately or personally) annually, please visit our list of charities below:
Foster Parents Plan
Foster Parents Plan is one of the world’s largest international, child-centred development organizations. They work in 45 developing countries where, worldwide, their long-term community programs benefit 1.3 million children and impact the lives of 13 million people.
Foster Parents Plan works with children and their communities to ensure effective, lasting change in all aspects of their well-being – health, education, shelter and livelihood. Children are at the heart of what they do. Visit Fosterparentsplan.cato learn about how they work.
World Vision
In all of their work around the world, World Vision’s focus is on children. Whether it’s building schools or health clinics through the child sponsorship program, lobbying governments to change policies that hurt the poor, or responding to a humanitarian crisis, the needs of children are front and centre. Visit worldvision.ca to find out more or to donate today.
The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation
The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation, affectionately known as SickKids Foundation, is the largest non-governmental granting agency in child health in Canada. SickKids Foundation provides grants to The Hospital for Sick Children and to researchers across the country.
Their mission is to inspire our communities to invest in medical and scientific advances to improve the lives of children and their families in Canada and around the world.
The Toy and Game Fund is also available to Sick Kids donors to designate funds to be used primarily for the purposes of recreation and therapeutic play. Through the generosity of individuals and organizations, special donations of “Gifts In Kind” are distributed to the children as a way of providing them with a source of comfort and compassion, as they face the illness process. These gifts are given: to supply over 15 Playrooms and 50 Clinic Waiting areas with toys and activities; for birthday, cultural and end of treatment celebrations; during invasive and painful procedures; and for lengthy and frequent hospital stays. But mostly, to provide a special level of care which will augment the excellent medical treatment and support which is delivered daily.The vision of SickKids: Healthier children. A better world. Visit Sickkids.ca today.
Child Haven International
Child Haven International (childhaven.ca) is a registered charity that was founded in 1985. Child Haven has four homes in India, one in Nepal, one in Tibet and one in Bangladesh. The homes accept children who are disabled, parentless, or from socially disadvantaged situations – and who are destitute, i.e. do not receive even one good meal a day.They provide food, education, health care, shelter, clothing and moral support.
Girls and boys are treated equally, and without regard to race, caste, colour, religion or culture. Living is simple and meals are vegetarian. Child Haven does not to Westernize the children, but rather attempts to raise them according to the highest ideals of their own cultures. They respect the heritage of each child, whether Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, secular or other. Another aspect of Child Haven’s philosophy is their commitment to improving the condition of women through direct employment, education, medical aid, legal aid, and training opportunities. Read about the extraordinary story of the founders of Child Haven at Childhaven.ca.
William Osler Health Centre Foundation
William Osler Health Centre Foundation is recognized as one of the best community hospital foundations in Ontario. The foundation assists William Osler Health Centre providing effective community hospital care in Ontario by raising, managing and granting funds. The organization builds and sustains relationships in our diverse communities through honesty and integrity and is fully accountable to all donors, respecting their wishes and acting responsibly. Appreciating donors is the key to the foundation’s success. The William Osler Health Centre Foundation believes that working together, they make a difference.
Incorporated in 1998, William Osler Health Centre has three acute care sites – the Etobicoke facility located in the northwest corner of Metropolitan Toronto, the Peel Memorial facility located in Brampton and the Georgetown facility located Georgetown. William Osler Health Centre is one of the largest hospital corporations in Ontario, serving a geographic area of over 2400 square kilometres.
As a regional referral centre, the centre provides programs and services to over 900,000 area residents. With a health care team of more than 700 physicians, 4,000 caring staff and 1,400 dedicated volunteers, services are provided through three hospital facilities although all patients will experience one standard of care. To learn more about the foundation, visit Williamoslerhc.on.ca.
Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots is a charitable endeavor initiated by the Peel Regional Police in 1993 in partnership with the Salvation Army and Canadian Tire. During the months of November and December off duty members of Peel Regional Police volunteer several hundred hours to collect cash, Canadian Tire money, and new unwrapped toys donated by the public which are used to purchase or give as Christmas gifts for many children in need.
The Salvation Army identifies families experiencing difficulty and distributes the toys purchased from donations. Toys purchased during the “Toys for Tots” campaign help to light up the faces of over seven thousand children in the Region of Peel. The enthusiastic participation of the citizens in this Region, along with the hard work of all “Toys for Tots” volunteers provide over eighty percent of the Salvation Army’s festive season toy donations.
All of the disadvantaged children of our Region who are the ultimate benefactors, are most grateful for any assistance provided and deeply appreciate everyone’s participation in this caring and humanitarian initiative at what truly is a special time of year.
Queen West Physiotherapy & Acupuncture is pleased to assist “Toys for Tots” by conducting a toy drive within their organization and wishes for continued success and ongoing expansion of this charitable endeavour.
The Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada
The Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada is a charitable organization that funds physiotherapy research in Canada to improve the mobility, health and well being of society. They are recognized and respected as a world leader in the funding of physiotherapy research.
Objectives of the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada are: to have a significant impact on the practice of physiotherapy, to be able to fund every credible research proposal, and to build effective partnerships and strategic alliances. For more information, please visit Physiotherapyfoundation.ca.
Healthcare Outreach Program
At Queen West Physiotherapy & Acupuncture, we have been giving back to our community since the clinic’s opening and in March, 2005, we launched a more formal program called Healthcare Outreach.
Addressing Access to Physiotherapy Care
The delisting of Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage for physiotherapy service has limited treatment access to a lot of patients (between the ages of 16 and 65) who can’t afford it or don’t have extended health coverage. As a result, these subsidy cuts have put patients in a tight spot. Even those who are below the age of 16 and above the age of 65, are now put on waiting lists that have never seen such a huge strain on them. To help better this situation, we have created the Healthcare Outreach Program which is summarized below. In time, we hope to facilitate similar interactions between other health care clinics and patients in need of treatment.
About the Health Care Outreach Program
Purpose: To provide Physiotherapy and/or Acupuncture treatments to patients who do not have extended health care insurance and who are in great need of treatments that they cannot afford.
How to Apply for Health Care Outreach: Simply complete our contact form with the following information:
- fill the subject heading with the words “Healthcare Outreach”
- name, address, telephone number and email address
- condition/area of body which needs treatment
- amount of time you have had the problem
How the program works: At any given time, we strive to have one Healthcare Outreach patient attending our clinic. A Healthcare Outreach patient is entitled to two treatments at no charge each week for as long as the treatment is required as decided by the treating Physiotherapist. Once we discharge a patient (stop treating them) from the program, we randomly choose one application amongst all the applications completed in the past month. The chosen applicant is then notified immediately in order to set up the assessment and first treatment.
Note: Each Healthcare Outreach patient requires a doctor’s referral for treatment before starting in the program. Queen West Physiotherapy & Acupuncture reserves the right to choose the treatment times for each Healthcare Outreach patient.
If you require treatment and meet the requirements for the Healthcare Outreach Program, please contact us today, or if know of anyone who requires treatment, please let them know about this service.